The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System

The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System

The ChemiDoc MP Imaging System is a full-feature instrument for imaging and analyzing gels and western blots. It is designed to address multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, general gel documentation applications, and stain-free technology imaging needs.


Мультиплексная флуоресценция в вестерн-блоттинге:

 Вестерн-блот с одновременным детектированием трех целевых белков

Вестерн-блот с одновременным детектированием трех целевых белков. Автор фото: Dr. James Smyth, Virginia Tech Carillon Research Institute


 Мультиканальное детектирование.

Мультиканальное детектирование.
Phospho-p44/42 MARK (ERK1/2), Total p44/42 MARK (ERK1/2), GAPDH

Features and Benefits

      • All-in-one flexible imaging — get precise, reproducible fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and colorimetric gel and blot detection, analysis and documentation in a single system
      • Improve your imaging capabilities with the ChemiDoc MP — benefit from the advantages of using a wider range of fluorescent reporters (RGB, far red, and near infrared) including StarBright™ Fluorophores; see the fluorophore compatibility chart
      • Multiplex fluorescent western blotting — detect up to three proteins simultaneously and eliminate the need for stripping and reprobing
      • Ease of use — features include automatic selection of optimal light source by application, auto focus, auto exposure, and preview features ensure optimal images. Learn in minutes with on screen help
      • Stain-free protein normalization — stain-free imaging permits the normalization of bands to total protein in both in gels and blots; eliminates the need for housekeeping proteins
      • Sample Trays and Smart Tray Technology™ — three sample trays available to cover diverse imaging applications. Smart Tray Technology automatically recognizes the application-specific trays and adjusts imaging parameters and software options accordingly
      • Installation/Operational Qualification kit available for ensuring installation and calibration is properly executed for highly regulated laboratory environments.

For western blotting, the ChemiDoc™ MP V3 Western Workflow™ provides the ability to rapidly assess electrophoresis and blot transfer quality prior to blot processing, to perform total protein normalization and multiplexing using a wide rance of fluorophores.

Applications and Uses

      • Electrophoresis — protein, including stain-free, and nucleic acid gel imaging and documentation
      • Blotting — identify and quantify proteins, nucleic acids, protein-ligand interactions, etc. with fluorescence, chemiluminescence, or colorimetric detection

Included Components

    • Internal computer with Image Lab™ Touch Software
    • 12” touch screen display
    • Image Lab Software to install on your computer
    • Blot/UV/Stain-Free Sample Tray for Bio-Rad stain-free gels and blots, fluorescence multiplexing, chemiluminescence detection, ethidium bromide and SYPRO Ruby

Каналы и красители:

 Система гель-документирования ChemiDoc™ MP