

LumiBest antipallidum
Number of definitions: 80
Reagent kit for the detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum by immunofluorescence.
PHA-BEST antipallidum
Number of definitions: 100
Reagent kit for the detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum by passive hemagglutination reaction.
Anticardiolipin – RPR - BEST
Number of definitions: 400
Reagent kit for the detection of syphilis-associated antibodies to cardiolipin by the precipitation reaction.
RecombiBest antipallidum-IgG (set 2)
Number of definitions: 12x8
Enzyme immunoassay kit for the detection of IgG against Treponema pallidum.
Number of definitions: 2x96
RecombiBest antipallidum-total antibodies (set 2)
Number of definitions: 12x8
Enzyme immunoassay kit for the detection of total antibodies against Treponema pallidum.
RecombiBest antipallidum-total antibodies (set 3)
Number of definitions: 24x8
Enzyme immunoassay kit for the detection of total antibodies against Treponema pallidum.
RecombiBest antipallidum-IgM
Number of definitions: 12x8
Enzyme immunoassay kit for the detection of IgM against Treponema pallidum.
Treponema pallidum-blot-BEST
Number of definitions: 24
Reagent kit for the detection of antibodies against Treponema pallidum by immunoblot.